
* CFO と経理財務部門が主管・関与する 管理会計機能と営業利益率との関係性について   論文はこちら


日本 CFO 協会を通して行った調査の結果,特にどのような経営管理 ・ 企画機能を経理財務組織が主管 ・ 関与すれば,企業の営業利益率を上げられる可能性が高いかが判明した。次に挙げる 3 つの機能である。これらの機能は日本企業では各事業部の会計スキルのないものが担当している場合が多い。経理財務部門長直下の人材が担当することにより,営業利益率
• 機能 12:商品・サービス・店舗などの損益実績分析による運営改善・継続可否判断・提案
• 機能 13:新商品・サービスの原価目標・価格設定提案
• 機能 17:宣伝広告費・販売促進費などの投資判断・進捗管理・効果測定

*CFO Teams in Japan (Strategic Finance) 論文はこちら

Japan’s cultural tone of conformity and preserving reputation—and how it extends to Japanese companies—is a long-established idea by now. Less well-known outside Japan, however, are the differences in how finance organizations are structured within Japanese companies compared to within their American and European counterparts.

In the United States and Europe, CFO organizations integrate management accountants and certified financial professionals into financial planning both at the corporate and business-unit levels. In Japan, CFO organizations are responsible primarily for accounting and treasury activities and are involved in setting strategy but not leading nor owning such activities. Instead, financial planning and management control are delegated to nonfinance departments, and, generally, business units allocate their own staff to manage profit forecasts and conduct analyses with no direct reporting lines to the CFO.

All of this raises some key questions: Has the failure to include qualified financial professionals in planning and strategy contributed to the spate of fraud and ethics cases at Japanese companies? Further, is there any relationship between low profit margins and the structure of the CFO teams in Japanese companies? Can these structural differences provide any insight into the impact that CFO teams have on profitability in companies worldwide?